Thursday, July 30, 2009

Come visit us; updates coming soon

Welcome to everyone who has been visiting our site recently. We invite everyone to visit and walk through our garden. This Saturday we will be having a general workday at 1pm. Please stop by and say hello.

The garden is located at 7730 Calhoun Street.

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Also, updates on what we have been doing on the lot are coming soon!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our garden is looking better by the day! We decided to add mulch to the front lot to make it more inviting and walkable after a rain. The City of Dearborn provides the mulch free for residents at Ford Field in West Dearborn.

Again it is hard to believe that this lot went from this...

to this...

Monday, July 20, 2009

International Garden

Today we purchased miniature flags to put near the fence. The flags represent the different ethnicities of the families who have contributed their time to the garden. They also reflect the diversity of our community:

South Korea

A special thank you to The Flag Shop located in Livonia who gave us a nice discount.

Friday, July 17, 2009

A thank you

We would like to take a moment to mention two companies who have greatly contributed to the garden's success: Wipak Medical, who ships their products on the pallets and Healthmark Industries who receives them and in turn generously donated them to us. Without their help we would not have been able to build our great garden boxes. The pallets are heat treated, kiln dried and debarked. They do not contain any chemicals

Healthmark is a family owned, Michigan based company dealing in infection control products. Wipak Medical is one the world's largest medical packaging company, based in Finland.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fence up and compost in!

We have been working hard the last few weeks. We planted all the seeds from English Gardens and some of our radishes are even starting to come up already! All fourteen of our garden beds are now constructed which was no small task, especially digging the holes.

Today was a big day however for two reasons. We not only put up a front fence using...yes, you guessed it...pallets, but we also filled up our beds with compost!

We are very thankful to the University of Michigan Dearborn Communtiy Organic Garden which graciously allowed us to use their great compost! They have a wonderful garden that everyone ought to check out.

Here are some pictures taken over the course of the last few days.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Starting the Garden!

Here is a recap of the first three days of work on our new garden.

Day 1 ( June 28th)

Today was our first day of actual work on the lot. After weeks of waiting for approval- we were finally able to get started! We were successful in accomplishing both our goals of tilling and creating the raised beds. One team broke down the pallets converting them into garden beds and everyone else tore up the sod on the lot. The sod was tough, but since we had a lot of hands it went by quickly. Two neighbors donated their roto-tillers and we were able to get a most of what used to be the backyard done. Two solid hours of work!

Our plans are to split the lot into two distinct areas. The back portion, which was the house’s backyard, will be the communal lot. The area on which the house was located will house our raised beds. Most of these beds will be for individual families but a few will also shared as well.

Check out a few pictures from our first day!

Day 2 (June 29th)

Today we continued to expand by digging up more sod and tilling more soil. We had a great turnout again, especially thanks to the neighborhood kids who provided most of the muscle!

We also purchased 4 tomato plants at English Gardens as well as seeds that we can still grow for the season ( beets, lettuce, radishes, turnips etc) all for half off!

Day 3 ( June 30th)

It rained today, but we have about half the lot tilled! Although working in the rain was quite tough we were able to dig in the tomatoes.